Justin Bieber Apologizes after acting Nervously on the Ellen DeGeneres Show

Justin Bieber Apologizes for his arrogant behavior on the Ellen DeGeneres Show

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  • Justin Bieber Apologizes after acting Nervously on the Ellen DeGeneres Show

Justin Bieber apologized in a short video on his social online site to all Beliebers for his arrogant behavior in the past few years. He did this after acting rather nervously on the Ellen DeGeneres Show.

The occasion was Ellen’s birthday bash and who should appear on her talk show other than the bad boy of pop, Justin Bieber. However, Justin seemed rather high strung and answered all the questions in monosyllabic responses that were both abrupt and showed that he lacked confidence.

This is strange coming from someone who is used to the glare of the limelight. He seemed kind of weird and probably was a little awkward up there.

Later on he took to Twitter to apologize to his fans and all the Beliebers spread throughout the world regarding his past behavior.

Bieber is supposedly turning over a new leaf. He regrets the vulgar and downright nasty antics he has been showing in public since the past few years and is truly sorry for the sheer impudence he is guilty of.

Bieber promised his well-wishers that he would never repeat such obnoxious behavior in the future and that is a promise he intends to keep. Bieber has been in trouble with the law several times in the past.

Besides drunk driving and several no-good pranks that cost him a lot ultimately, he also is known as a playboy of sorts who changes partners at the drop of a hat. But in the brief video clip that Justin posted online he said that he had realized his mistakes and was full of remorse for the destructive streak he had in him.

Bieber gave the alibi of growing up in the industry as a tough and harrowing time which nobody should be put through. He furthermore labeled growing up in general as excruciatingly painful and something he would not wish upon worst enemy.

He was just pretending and playacting. And this hypocritical phase was because of what he was trying to hide inside. His true self and genuine feelings were buried beneath a lot of rubble from the past. And he said that if he had hurt anyone he was truly sorry and would try and reform himself in the times that are to come.

Justin’s Facebook and Twitter accounts were flooded with sympathetic replies by his fans who all answered under the hashtag We Don’t Judge You Justin (#WeDontJudgeYouJustin). Bieber is approaching his 21st birthday and the personality changes he is undergoing /4/bring more maturity and sobriety to his character.

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