Kanye disses Beck for winning Album of the Year Award in place of Beyoncé

Kanye disses Beck for winning Album of the Year Award in place of Beyonce

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The Album of the Year Award has been won by Beck which leads to a diss by Kanye West in the selfsame manner in which he denigrated Taylor Swift a few years ago.

Beck won it big time at the Grammys with his album Morning Phase. Everybody knows that Beck makes new age music that is groovy and psychedelic. He is not only a cool minded chap but a Scientologist like John Travolta and Tom Cruise.

Beck literally snatched the award from Beyonce. This led Kanye West to a engage in a spoof of his previous blunder where he snatched the microphone from Taylor Swift and praised Beyonce instead of her.

But as Jay Z looked on sternly this time around, Kanye returned to his seat after walking over half way to the stage where Beck was standing. Later on when he was approached by E! News, Kanye and his wife Kim Kardashian let the dogs out (literally).

Kim said that he ought to have gone onstage to protest. As for Kanye he really started foaming at the mouth. He said that people ought to respect artistry. Beck in Kanye’s opinion ought to have given away his award to Beyonce.

Although Kanye didn’t go onstage since he had his wife and daughter with him and he didn’t want any aspersions to be cast on them for his act, the fact was that this was simply very unfair in his opinion.

According to Kanye, if the Grammy execs were this casual and louche with regard to whom to give the award to, they wouldn’t be attracting any real talent to the award show. 

Beck in fact could not believe his luck. He had by and large been ignored up until now when his fortune was such that he won a major award. The man is very delicate and effeminate by nature.

And he must have even thought to himself that Beyonce actually did deserve the award more than him. But being the gentleman he is, he accepted the award with grace and poise.

Nobody is perfect even if it is Madonna or the Queen Bey. Kanye /4/stick to his rants as much as he likes but it won’t make an iota of difference in this world of ours which gives chances to everybody. Every dog has his day and it is every man and woman for himself or herself and devil take the hindmost. Ultimately, you win some and you lose some. 

Update: As for Beck, he responded to the uproar caused by Kanye in a very polite and humble manner. Beck firstly said that he himself completely agreed with Kanye that Beyonce should have won since she was Beyonce (for Christ’s Sake!) and the best.

As for the fact that Kanye held any ill will against him for not handing over the Grammy award to Queen Bey, Beck told US Weekly that he couldn’t hope to please everybody but he held Kanye in the highest of esteem since he was a genius and way ahead of him. Now that is the spirit! What a nice man, this fellow named Beck, unlike that gangster Kanye who is full of spite and venom!


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