Kanye West teases So Help Me God

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Kanye West recently let his fans in on the name of his latest album which is “So Help Me God”.

Kanye West sent out a teaser message on Twitter regarding his new album. It is almost finished but before wrapping up the artwork, Kanye wanted to let his die-hard fans and well-wishers know what the name of the album would be. And he at first didn’t say the words but later on said “so god help me”. And believe it or not but that is the exact title of his album. 

Talk about believing in the Creator and strong faith. Although Kanye can be pretty cynical at times and also a bit of a jackass (as President Obama once termed him), he actually has an iron-clad bond with his Maker. Kanye is naughty but nice by nature.

As for the album cover it would feature a diamond shape with lower case medieval letters at the four corners. These letters are “m” and they stand for the Virgin Mary.

Kanye sang some very explicit lyrical rap songs at the Brit Awards earlier. He also engaged in shop talk with BBC Radio 1 DJ Zane Lowe about the album and the songs on it. Kanye said that he enjoyed the difficult work since it sharpened his creativity and he also said that his past was solely about the rap experience while the present was about designing songs which were dreamworks.   

Kanye also let on while talking to Power 105, a hip hop radio station, that the release of his album would be a big surprise. He never wanted it to be a let down by announcing beforehand when it would appear on store shelves. It was a matter of keeping them guessing.

But he did say this much that this album was about positivity and the sheer joy of living life to the hilt in a warm and optimistic manner. In fact, It was a far cry from his previous attempts which were rather in-your-face and rebellious by nature.

This is Kanye’s seventh album and hopes are high that it won’t disappoint. The style of dropping the album at a moment’s notice follows Beyonce’s fashion statements. Kanye even shed a few tears, a rare moment for the otherwise tough rap artist, when he mentioned one of his fashion mentors who had passed away and to whose teachings the album was a testimony. 


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