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The nude pics leakage on 4chan and Reddit caused considerable scandal for many celebs. But there are none it has affected in such an extreme way as model Kate Upton and her baseball star boyfriend, Justin Verlander.
Kate Upton has had a solid dose of reality run chillingly up her spine. And it has quite literally given her a case of Montezuma’s Revenge.
Among the naked pics of celebs that got leaked online, way up there at the top were Kate Upton’s. But that is not the only thing that has really gotten her goat.
The major issue happens to be her boyfriend and male paramour, Justin Verlander. Now, he has a rightful place among the Detroit Tigers, a baseball team with a reputation.
And what has happened is that hot photos of Kate and Justin in their birthday suits have been seen by everyone from pimply faced teenagers to dirty old men with beer bellies on the biggest producer of pornographic content in the world – the Internet.
This has caused an upheaval in their lives and is the potential source of much teeth-gnashing. The fact that they ought to have been more careful goes without saying but now there is no time machine that can bring back the good old days when they were both protected by fig leaves in the eyes of the media and the public.
Justin is especially worried sick since he happens to have become the very first team member of the Detroit Tigers who has had a series of pics that are PG-rated going viral in cyberspace. And as everyone knows…anything is possible in cyberspace.
That has literally added anxiety to the already built-up angst in poor Justin’s life. His fling with Kate has cost him more than he could have ever bargained for. And it might even cost him his career.
Kate meanwhile went on record awhile back to declare that she would not even dare to bare it all before the public eye in Playboy magazine.
The reason given for this was that she knew that online content can be misused and can end up in inappropriate places. She however has been forced to eat her words since now her images without any clothes at all are being seen by every Tom, Dick and Harry with a laptop and a Net connection.
The very environment of the Internet has become a breeding ground for images and pictures of celebs in nude and semi-nude states. And the funny thing is that half of them are not even real.
They are collage-works where the head of a celeb is cleverly pasted atop a porn star’s frame. The real problem is that most of these celebs were not careful enough while deleting the pics from their Apple iCloud accounts.
The long list of celebs includes such illustrious names as:
Lea Michele,
Avril Lavigne,
Hilary Duff,
Selena Gomez,
Vanessa Hudgens,
Kirsten Dunst,
Teresa Palmer,
and not to mention many others.
Scads of nude photos of celebs appeared on 4chan which is a hub for images which are posted in a surreptitious manner. Nobody knows who put them there.
The hacker who managed to gain access to the pics was a shrewd and perceptive fellow who was even into cryptology and thus decoded several passwords and private codes. But he will hopefully be found and punished for his Peeping Tom ways.
What’s done cannot be undone but for future prophylaxis, the security issue must be resolved once and for all. We cannot have any unprincipled lout revealing stuff that the stars have kept to themselves. And it is not just the socialites that are in danger of this sexual and visual disclosure.
Ordinary people like you and me, who /4/in a moment of lightheaded playfulness post a racy pic of our selves on the Apple iCloud, could end up being blackmailed by a hacker without any reservations about privacy.
And to think what would happen if our explicit image goes viral is something which is more nightmarish than the worst dream one could probably awaken from screaming and crying!Read our complete Kate Upton Profile and watch her sexiest viral videos.
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