Katherine Heigl returns to TV after her fallout with Shonda Rhimes in 2009

Katherine Heigl returns to TV after her fallout with Shonda Rhimes in 2009

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Katherine Heigl returns to TV on the NBC’s political drama ‘State of Affairs’
Katherine has returned after six years of taking a hiatus from TV
She cleared up the air about her fallout with Rhimes all those years ago

Six years ago, Izzie Stevens left Grey’s Anatomy for good. It was devastating that she left so soon after we had already lost George O’ Malley. Those who follow the show religiously know that back then Katherine Heigl was admitting it whole heartedly that she hated her role as Izzie Stevens.

There were many issues regarding this conflict between the actress and the producer Shonda Rhimes. Rhimes, who is known for imaginative and revolutionary networking with her successful projects such as Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal let the actress go. She didn’t get a phenomenal send-off but she is still missed.

We are still unknown to what happened six years ago but Katherine took to clearing the air about her and Shonda Rhimes on a talk show.

She said that she loved Shonda’s work. She watches Scandal every week and enjoys it thoroughly. She said that back then she was young and making mistakes along the way. She would never hurt someone intentionally.

If she did hurt Shonda she will definitely want to settle it calmly. Shonda however hasn’t had good things to say, although she did say them nicely. She has made comments about Katherine now and then.

What is surprising though is Katherine doesn’t seem to have noticed. She has been busy with a few commercial hits like The Ugly Truth and Killers but other than that her movie career hasn’t been much of a hit. 

That is not the reason for her joining the cast of State of Affairs for the show’s second season on NBC. She is playing a sophisticated CIA analyst Charleston Tucker (weird name). Tucker is working on a project where she must help rescue a doctor abducted in Africa.

She is conflicted between her assignments and actually wants to go after the terrorists that murdered her boyfriend; who also happened to be the President’s (Alfre Woodward) son. Katherine said that she joined the show because she feels it is under appreciated.

It is a great show with great people and not a lot of money. We hope that Katherine’s acting experience on the big screen will help her embrace the role she is playing now and impress Rhonda as well. 

Sources: HuffPost , E! News

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