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None other than Katy Perry appeared on the ESPN Music Issue Mag Cover with the Texan defensive end J.J.Watt. The two really hit it off in their photographic session and had a lot of chemistry between them.
Katy Perry was very excited to be engaging in a photo session with J.J.Watt, the footballer. When she learnt that such was the case, she instantly went on Google and clicked to access his facial features so she could show them to everyone of her friends.
Here was the guy who was to be seen throughout the world on the ESPN magazine cover in its Music Issue. A pic of Watt bleeding from injuries was what Katy Perry really loved. She felt it showed him at his toughest.
Watt meanwhile admits that his own mom felt really weird about that particular picture. Watt has quite a record as a football player. And he also learnt a touchdown dance from Justin Timberlake.
J.J. Watt commended Timberlake on his dancing skills and requested him to teach him some of his cool and funky moves. Katy Perry who meanwhile has amassed a fortune from her global tours believes that she and Watt have something in common.
They both work hard and then relax fully too. Their drive to succeed gives them the necessary chutzpah to accomplish miraculous goals in life.
Watt got what he wanted in the end and so did Katy Perry. Today they are both remarkable individuals in their respective fields. When Perry’s lyrics get sung by thousands of football fans at the stadium, she is mighty proud of her abilities and gets a huge ego boost from the bucking-up effort.
Watt knows that it is an even more delicate and more winding road that Perry has had to take. While he just plays on a pretty much automatic and unconscious level, she has to really deliver those beautiful songs out there on the world stage or in front of thousands of fans. It is essentially a harder task.
On the cover of the magazine, a fresh-faced Katy Perry is putting the finishing touches on the face of J.J.Watt. He meanwhile looks cheerful enough to be getting some feminine handling.
Katy Perry is after all super sexy and has a Lolita-like charm about her. J.J.Watt must have later on dreamt of Perry posing with those biceps shots alongside his hulk-like frame. The sexual tension and body chemistry was there between the two alright besides a basic meeting of minds.
Meanwhile, a recent tweet pic from Perry shows her face copy-pasted onto the frame of a beefy female bodybuilder. The bodybuilder is leaning heavily on a large sound system speaker and the aim of the photograph is to announce that Katy Perry is ready for the Super Bowl 2015 anytime.
Just finished a killer workout! Have a great day y’all pic.twitter.com/8smUnelXw3— KATY PERRY (@katyperry) January 20, 2015
Check out the complete Katy + @JJWatt photoshoot for @ESPNMag: Music Issue here: http://t.co/sRU8kFvneZ pic.twitter.com/xJb68JTnsJ— Katy Perry Lately! (@katyperrylately) January 20, 2015
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