Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are Divorcing each other?

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are Divorcing each other?

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We could have seen it coming from a million miles away! It looks like Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are divorcing each other.

There seems to be a few blips of alienation on the horizon for Kim and Kanye. The inevitable did after all happen. Kim visited her divorce lawyer Laura a couple of days back according to sources.

And believe it or not but the divorce reality check took place just a few minutes prior to the (in)famous nude butt photo shoot for Paper Mag. The legitimate question to ask is whether Kim and Kanye are facing hassles on the home front.

In her female divorce lawyer’s office, Kim entered an elevator that was specifically cordoned off for her alone. And she made the the whole procedure seem rather surreptitious by the looks of it. Something fishy was definitely going on otherwise why all the hush-hush attitude.

There are rumors that her divorce proceedings from Kris Humphries were left in the lurch and so she had to look to them. But it could also be a simple case of slapping a bunch of divorce papers on Kanye’s bald pate. Only time will tell what is on Kim’s mind or what her real intentions are!    

BTW, Kris Humphries responded in a rather aloof and noncomittal manner to Kim’s butt photos. He said that he had never noticed them or paid much attention to such things. Now isn’t that downright that rude! Kim’s recent foray into divorce territory /4/just be the ploy that is used by most predatory females.

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They love them and leave them fast. And of course the alimony money comes in handy in the end. It is a sad fact that many of the single mothers end up reducing their ex-husbands to a state of penury and pauperism via the favoritism shown to them by the law.

And the law is an ass (sorry Kim, pun intended) in this matter. When rights are given there ought to be responsibilities that go along with them as well. What are obligations for? To balance the favors done on individual citizens by the state.

But when you have a revolution in rising expectations the whole equilibrium and homeostasis gets turned topsy turvy. Kim /4/be having other plans on her mind such as fleecing Kanye and getting super-super-rich in the process after the (ill) fame of the naked photo shoot.

Women of strength sacrifice and preserve their femininity not to mention save an ounce of self respect. But it looks like here there is more money than sense in Kim’s mind.

Source: Hollywood Life

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