Kim Kardashian feels Confident after posing Nude

Kim Kardashian feels Confident after posing Nude

Credit: Getty Images

Kim Kardashian appeared as a guest of honor on the Australian tv show The Project. Kim K’s not so famous photo shoot was discussed there.

No doubt in that the bold photo shoot has earned notoriety but Kim Kardashian was able to state her point of view. She appeared on the Australian TV show The Project and answered the critics who have this notion that posing nude is not a great example for her followers. 

She said, “I was so honored and excited to work with [photographer Jean-Paule Goude] because he is a legend, and for me that was something I wanted to do to make myself feel confident.” 

“As a role model I’m not saying anyone else should do that, but for me it was an art project and it taught me to do what you want to do,” she continued. “I’m never one to preach, but I felt really positive and really good about myself. I love the photos, I did it for me, I hope other people like them.”

Well she is right in her view that she is not the one to preach or teach, after all she is not the role model to be followed. It was exclusively her decision to pose for the magazine. She belongs to the world of glamour and she is renowned celebrity

This is taken so common there so those criticizing her act should stop the other things too. The critics have to give proof of their existence in almost everything, so in her case they are doing the same. The criticism is not valid at all because there are many other obscene things going on, so they should also raise their voice against it.

She also taught the host McManus how to balance the glass of champagne on butt. It was hilarious. He literally tried hard but remained unsuccessful. 

He asked, “Can you actually balance a champagne glass on your derriere, or was it all photoshopped?”

“My back hurt for about a week after that shoot…I used muscles..,” Kardashian answered. “[Goude] has an art of posing you and it was definitely not comfortable.”

Meanwhile, Benedict Cumberbatch also said the word booty indicating Kim Karadashian’s while playing a word game with Jimmy Fallon at Tonight Show. The gaming segment title wass Three-Word Stories. Fallon and Cumberbatch had to tell a story saying three words at a time. 

In doing so they also had to try to make their opponent utter a specific word. The game went on but that is a separate story. However, following this his appearance on the red carpet made the cameramen to play this game with him and this time he had to say the word “booty”.

So Kim did what she thought was right. It was however lewd and unethical but being the member of a democratic society no one can question her right.

Sources: Us Weekly (1) , (2)

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