Marshawn Lynch fined $20,000 by NFL

Marshawn Lynch fined $20,000 by NFL

Ben Celestino Vine

Marshawn Lynch was fined a whopping $20,000 by NFL for the rude and offensive sign he made during the playoff. He grabbed his crotch after the touchdown.

A display of bad judgment will cost Marshawn Lynch heavily. In fact, it will put a visible and sizeable dent in his wallet. The NFL football player was engaged in the Championship Game when he made an obscene gesture with his hand which led to a $20,000 fine being imposed on him straightaway.

While Lynch did lend his immense talent to his team, his final sign language left things looking pretty glum and he had to cough up a whole lot of money in lieu of his act of indecency.

Before this event, Lynch was already into controversial issues. He wanted to wear gold cleats which earned the disapproval of the NFL. Then at the last moment he chose to wear green shoes in a showdown that took awhile to resolve itself.

Another Seattle Seahawk member, Chris Matthews, was slapped with a $11,025 fine for obscenity on the playing field too. Marshawn Lynch spoke earlier in a tweet that he was embarrassed to work for an organization that fined a team mate of his for the mere act of shaking his hand. This would be none other than Matthews of course. 

However, the NFL which is directly involved in charging Lynch with the humongous amount of $20,000, is adamant that Lynch’s act of grabbing his genitals after the touchdown was downright disgusting and unsportsmanlike in its demeanor.

He should have known better than to have committed such a stupid blunder and that too at a time when the entire nation was watching him. He is supposed to be a role model for teens and young adults but when he handles things in such a vulgar manner he is bound to disappoint his fans.

Parents will also be more careful next time when they have their children watching television. Nobody wants to have their offspring exposed to such noxious stuff that reeks of bad manners, obscenity and pornography.

Normally in society you don’t have people manhandling their groin regions. Apart from the entertainment music videos of the late Michael Jackson, you don’t see anyone publicly grabbing his crotch.

Then the legitimate question is what possessed Marshawn Lynch to engage in such a crazy act of impulsive immorality (for which Lynch fined that he knew all along would jeopardize his future as a player. Beats me!   

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