Nicki Minaj Anaconda Beats Miley Video Record

Nicki Minaj Anaconda Beats Miley Video Record

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Nicki Minaj’s Butt beats Miley Cyrus naked body in music video showdown of the year.

Miley Cyrus landed a huge scandal with her Wrecking Ball music video. Remember? She was swinging on a wrecking ball naked. It inspired tons of parodies, but apparently Nicki Minaj’s butt centric new music video Anaconda got more views within the first 24 hours.

Vevo has revealed on Twitter that Anaconda broke the 24 hour Vevo Record with 19.6m views, which is more than Wrecking Ball had.

Watch the Nicki Minaj Anaconda music video below. Beware of the butts.

Watch below the now tame looking Wrecking Ball video.

Just recently Nicki Minaj and Miley Cyrus got into a little Twitter fight. Miley Cyrus posted images of Nicki Minaj’s infamous Anaconda cover with her head on Minaj’s body. Who is laughing now? See the photo below.

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