Obamacare is Silent regarding Insurance Charges

Obamacare is Silent regarding Insurance Charges

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The Obamacare site on the Internet is silent regarding insurance charges for next year. This will only be revealed in post-election times.

There are many who plan to avail Obamacare but they are facing a dilemma of sorts. Health security rates will surely increase after the November 4th elections. The booking for health insurance on the website begins midway in November. 

Those with a little savvy say that this is not just a chance occurrence. Something similar happened a year ago. One individual even said that this was solid proof that Obamacare was a dud and a raw deal. 

The secrecy surrounding the cost price of this national insurance policy is a preplanned move by the shrewd and perceptive Obama administration. Furthermore, critics say that complete honesty is something which the people of the United States can kiss goodbye when it came to President Obama’s policies. 

The news concerning price hikes have started coming in and many states are feeling the after-effects of the health insurance dream plan that had enthralled so many. 

Already, Alaska, Iowa and Louisiana, which happen to be crucial states for the election time pork barrel politics, are getting bad vibes concerning the wellness way of Obamanomics.  

The price ranges go into two figures and they are cause for worry among those who were looking forward to improving their quality of life via disease prevention. 

The Republicans meanwhile are up in arms against the Affordable Care Act. And the Democrats appear to be in somewhat of a fix. Alaska is showing the most prominent spikes in costs. 

The blame falls squarely on the shoulders of the Democratic Party which should have exercised care with regard to this financial inconvenience. The various medical insurance companies involved in the ruckus have further complicated the picture. 

Since any society runs on negotiation and group cooperation, the results of this conundrum show the fact that a few loose ends were left behind by the Obama administration which have come back to haunt it now. The price hikes are indeed bad news and they will lower President Obama’s popularity rating amongst his admirers.  

Source: WT


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