Oprah Winfrey’s backstage with Lindsay Lohan in London

Lindsay Lohan recently began a run in West End London’s “Speed-the-Plow.” Turns out, Oprah Winfrey and Luptia Nyong’o surprised the young actress backstage.

Oprah Winfey's backstage with Lindsay Lohan in London

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Oprah Winfrey’s backstage with Lindsay Lohan in London

Sometimes Lindsay Lohan just needs a fairy godmother to show up. Good thing Oprah Winfey‘s around to offer support.

Lindsay Lohan‘s starring on David Mamet‘s Speed-the-Plow, a Hollywood satire play, on a West End London stage since late September.

In the play, Lohan portrays Karen, a temporary secretary, who manages to convince movie exec Bobby (Richard Schiff) that it’s a good idea to go forward with a pretend screenplay. The satirical lens of the Hollywood machine should engage audiences.


The definition of a blessing. Thank you @oprah and @Lupita_Nyongo for seeing the show tonight. Love you xx

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Variety‘s David Benedict summed up the performance as “adequate,” a decent praise since the reviewer added “she’s not the problem.” Benedict also states that since “Lohan is unable to handle subtext,” her entire part of the play loses “loses dimensions” needed to set the pace for others.

Meanwhile The Guardian‘s Euan Ferguson called the actress “possibly the best thing about this show.” In fact, the redhead impressed the critic. “But Lohan was, if not tremendous, a minor revelation.”

This was a different Lohan from the troubled starlet of Hollywood.

“She was rather sweet, rather husky, rather wide-eyed – and rather good.” And after the play ended, an unexpected moment of unguarded joy appeared across her face. “At the curtain call there was genuine glee on her face as she hugged and giggled with her co-stars: she’d bloody done it. “

However, Variety‘s review didn’t stop Oprah Winfrey and Luptia Nyong’o from showing up and supporting the actress.


Lovely shoot at The Playhouse Theatre #speedtheplow #WestEnd @thetylershields

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Winfrey previously tried to help Lohan once the actress left rehab last year. Part of the help included a docu-series, Lindsay, that didn’t manage to connect with audiences or make the recovering star seem reliable, and someone to financially establish the new Lindsay.

E Online reminds audiences how the entertainer allowed the cameras to include pretty personal moments of her life, which “involved stressful move to New York City, several business meetings and even a shocking confession that she miscarried during the series.”

Audiences /4/be surprised the two remain close since there were some bumps along the way.

Even more surprising was the mentor’s confession to David Letterman in a prank phone call. “I think she’s doing really okay.” Those paying attention to gossip /4/have different opinons, but Winfrey admited that sometimes a docu-series /4/not be the best idea for a recovering person. And caused Lindsay to get a little teary-eyed.

“I think, you know, to have cameras following you around for every phase of your life, and you are trying to pull your life together, I think that’s a really difficult thing, so yeah, we’re really pleased she’s making some progress.”


sending love with @jlplondon from #backstage #speedtheplow matinée today!

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And the door /4/not be entirely closed on the series, which /4/explain the extra support. On Instagram, Lohan captioned a photo of the two women back stage: “So thrilled to have @Oprah and @Lupita_Nyongo in the audience tonight. I’m a lucky girl! XXo #Myfairygodmother.” Lupita wasn’t pictured.

Lindsey looks healthy, a little more vivacious. In an interview with The Mirror, she said, “Everyone has been really great. I love the stage manager…they’ve all been kind, gracious and comforting.” And she added initial butterflies /4/be fading, too. “Every night feels more natural and comfortable.”

If Oprah Winfrey is still championing the 28-year-old, maybe things really are looking up for Lindsay Lohan. A change of city and pace /4/be the perfect place to recuperate from Hollywood and reevaluate choices.



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