Samsung Galaxy S6 will not come with a Qualcomm Processor

Samsung Galaxy S6 will not come with a Qualcomm Processor

  • Samsung drops Qualcomm Microchips for Next Versions of Galaxy S Smartphones Due to Heating Issues.
  • No Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 processor in Samsung Galaxy S6.

Samsung dropped the Qualcomm microchip from its future Galaxy S smartphones which. In fact, the giant smartphone maker will use its own microprocessors in its next-generation Galaxy smartphone

Samsung tested the Qualcomm microchips in its next generation smartphone but they failed completely. These tiny chips which could be handled by an ant simply overheated leaving Samsung with no other option than to abandon Qualcomm as a partner for Galaxy smartphones and be left to its own processors.

Samsung is now using chips that it manufactured at its own premises in order to run its Galaxy S for the future times, according to Bloomberg. It means that Samsungs’s next generation Galaxy S6 will not have Qualcomm processor inside.

The Qualcomm Snapdragon chip that got weighed in the balance and was found wanting was the Snapdragon 810.

The matter was hushed up but has seen the light of day thanks to certain sources that refused to give away their names lest the company’s image end up besmirched.

This move by Samsung of dissing the microchips by Qualcomm has been quite a setback to the latter company which has been steadily supplying microchips to Samsung.

Now it has seen a sudden decline in demand and is left high and dry. It literally doesn’t know what to do and is definitely on the receiving end of what could only be termed as a huge letdown.  

But every cloud has a silver lining. What is Qualcomm’s loss is Samsung’s gain. Samsung plans on using its special chips in the new phone and they will lend greater technological sophistication to the smart phone.

As the Galaxy smart phone arrives sometime in the first half of 2015, it will be a pure breed instead of a hybrid product. Both Qualcomm and Samsung execs have declined to comment any further on the matter.

Both feel that they should let bygones be bygones. The chip by Samsung will operate virtually everything on the smart phone platform from the games features to the camera and the OS.

While up until now Qualcomm was the dominant chip maker in the world, it is yet to be seen if Samsung will give it a run for its money. Samsung used to be Qualcomm’s second largest customer.

But all that is ancient history now. This effort at reinvention and rejuvenation by Samsung /4/pay off and it /4/fail. It all depends upon the input and level of intensive care that goes into the Galaxy S for the next generation.

Will Samsung make it on its own? Hang around to find out!

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