Yes. It is true. Skylar Astin is in Pitch Perfect 2. What is also true is that Elizabeth Banks is directing. What do you say about this?
Skylar Astin is in Pitch Perfect 2
Actor Skylar Astin is trending today. It looks like not everybody realized that he will be back for Pitch Perfect 2. Filming is underway for the sequel and Elizabeth Banks is directing for the first time. She already was a producer on the first Pitch Perfect movie.
Skylar Astin will be playing again Jesse the a cappella singer. Anna Kendrick will also be back for the sequel. This year you can see Skylar Astin in Flock of Dudes and The Oven short film. He is of course also in Glee.
Pitch Perfect 2 is expected to hit theaters in /4/of 2015. Watch below the trailer for Pitch Perfect, maybe you want to rent it tonight.
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