SME’s look to make name at CES 2015

SME’s look to make name at CES 2015


Minalogic and Imaginove part of SME push

Small Medium Enterprises, or SME’s, certainly play an important part when it comes to the world of consumer electronics. CES 2015 will certainly be an excellent place for SME’s to promote their products and innovations to a broader and international audience. The French based companies of Minalogic, Imaginove, and the Cluster Edit will be at CES 2015 and they will be releasing a total of 13 SME’s. These exhibits will be presented in the Eureka Park area of CES 2015 and will also have displays in the areas designated for drones.

Minalogic, Imaginove, and the Cluster Edit came together at CES 2014 and with the success it had last year will come back for CES 2015. It is in the Rhone-Alpes region of France that these companies come from and they plan on using CES 2015 as a springboard to bring their SME’s to the global market. Robots, electronics, and science will be the main draw of CES 2015 and these French based companies are looking to take advantage.

Some of the SME’s that will be unveiled at CES 2015 are Abbeway, BeSpoon, Enerbee, ISKN, Kolor, and Squardron System. Abbeway is a geolocation product that will allow users to be able to keep track of pets and belongings through GPS technology. BeSpoon is another position tracking product that can bring a person to within centimeters of the subject that they are trying to locate. EnerBee is a motion based generator innovator that could become the replacement for mobile device batteries. ISKN is a company that specializes in bringing a more user friendly interface to digital technology. Kolor specializes in 360 degree virtual imaging technologies. Squadron System will be in the drones section of CES 2015 and will showcase a product that will allow for people to be able to take very high quality Hollywood like pictures and be able to instantly post them on social media sites.

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