The project on Indiegogo has raised 10 times more money than was initially required by the developers
Having to put off important stuff while your device is on charging can be quite an uncomfortable feeling; you feel like the most helpless person around when your phone is draining out of that last drop of battery juice and is asking to be put away for a charge. We all know for a fact that charging through USB cables attached to laptops of PCs can be a nightmare – it seemingly takes forever. And if we take it off earlier, the battery hasn’t gotten its full boost. Now that we have set the stage where you can recall all your frustrating experiences, we can introduce the SONICable.
Slaves to standard charging methods?
This SONICable is no less than a miracle for us as it has the ability to charge your device in half the time that you are accustomed to. Gadgets are becoming more powerful and efficient but we are still slaves to the standard charging methods. Having something so handy as this SONICable is no longer going to require us to keep trying to save on that little extra battery juice.
A crowd-funded campaign on Indiegogo, the SONICable has already become more popular than any other ‘real’ products and has gone way past its funding goal of $10,000. Having raised a staggering 1000% of the original requirement, the product has gained a funding of $176, 651 and with 35 days still to go, we are sure the amount raised is going to reach some new heights which Indiegogo has ever seen.
The SONICable is the “world’s most advanced charging cable” and with the money raised we can see just how much people long to have an efficient charging source, benefitting both iOS and Android users.
source: indiegogo
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