Tesla Motors reveals Driving Range for the Model S Series

Tesla Motors reveals Driving Range for the Model S Series


The Model S series of Tesla Motors has its very own driving range.

The Model S family of Tesla Motors has widened over the years to include many a sample of consumer durable. The issue of range has become relevant due to this expansion. This is so that each customer can know what it is he or she is going to purchase.

It is a bit of a tall order though due to the specific procedures that are involved. A number of choices are extant as well. Wheels and tires come within this rubric. The EPA range runs on standards by which vehicles are gauged.

The EPA ranges for the 85D, P85D and 60 variants are: 270, 253 and 208. Then the cruising range has its own variants. The tires play their part in the fields of manueverability, surface tension and efficacy.

A comparison of all Model S variants based on EPA 5-cycle range is as follows:

The customers have total hold over which sort of tires and wheels they want in which model of Tesla Motors. Then the range and the speed /4/vary as well. It is how you handle your electric car that will determine how far you will go in the real world. 

The EPA designs the fuel testing ranges. And it is responsible for setting standards in accordance with which cars /4/be slotted and pigeonholed. This systematic classification is not an easy job.

Tesla Model S Cruising range is is as follows:

It takes hard work and has been fine-tuned to a first class set of rules and regulations. A number of fuel stations are available throughout the United States for the special vehicles to recharge and start their journeys anew with their respective drivers in the driving seats.

The sources for the electricity that fuels the Model S are: nuclear energy, natural gas, hydroelectric power, coal and petroleum. The car can beat the rest hands down with its clean and efficient energy source and quiet capacity to go the distance in a jiffy.

Had its namesake founder Nikola Tesla been alive today he would be so happy to see his ideas coming to life in such a brand new way. His dream was to see his brand of electricity power all of society.

That /4/just about come true sometime in the near future. Till then the world continues to gain ground in inventions and discoveries that supplement each other till the point where there is cross-pollination and cultural theocrasia.  

Get more details about the Tesla Model S Driving Range here.

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