Three Breast Woman Jasmine Tridevil is a Hoax

Oh surprise. The three breasted woman named Jasmine Tridevil is considered a hoax at this point.

Three Breast Woman Jasmine Tridevil is a Hoax

Photo Credit: Jasmine Tridevil


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Three Breast Woman Jasmine Tridevil is a Hoax

Over the weekend reports of a Florida woman getting a third breast through cosmetic surgery exploded on social media. Her name Jasmine Tridevil should already be a big tell that the story is a hoax. Photos of her are though circulating the web since earlier, but did not catch on yet as they do now.

The three breasted woman is a weird fantasy that hit the big screen in the sci-fi movie Total Recall. Actress Kaitlyn Leeb played the three-breasted hooker in the 2012 remake of Recall and even took her movie breasts to Comic-Con under huge cheers from geeks.

Jasmine Tridevil posted two images of her three breasted chest on Instagram. 

The third breast looks pretty much like the prostheses Kaitlyn Leep has worn. US Magazine reported that Jasmine Tridevil told radio station Real Radio 104.1 in Orlando that she paid $20,000 for the plastic surgery. She also said that she had to sign papers to keep the doctor’s name a secret. Obviously no respected doctor would perform such a procedure.

Most recently a Tampa TV station interviewed Tridevil, but the report just confirms more that the story is a hoax as she only granted a brief look at her three breasts. Watch the interview below to judge for yourself. Jasmine Tridevil says she will proof that her third breast is real in her upcoming video show. She promises a video from her surgery.

Here is the first video Jasmine Tridevil published back in August. So it took her about 1 month to become a viral sensation world wide breaking into main stream media right now. After this is over she can make a career as social media consultant.

In the end, congrats to Jasmine Tridevil to become a viral sensation. It will be interesting to see how she continues this story. Follow her story on her Facebook page.


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