Tim Cook talks about Apple Watch, Privacy Concerns and More at 2015 Goldman Sachs Technology Conference

Tim Cook talks about Apple Watch, Privacy Concerns and More at 2015 Goldman Sachs Technology Conference

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  • Apple CEO expatiates on Certain Matters at Goldman Sachs Conference

The CEO of Apple, Tim Cook, talks about certain matters in his wide-ranging interview at the 2015 Goldman Sachs Technology Conference.

Tim Cook elucidates certain key points in his interview at the 2015 Goldman Sachs Technology Conference. Apple CEO, Tim Cook, presents his point of view which is broadcasted live on Apple’s website

Cook has already spoken a number of times on the occasion of the conference. He did however miss one session last year. And while he has not scored any major points as regards a rousing speech at the event, the man does show some of the inner machinations taking place at Apple. 

Therefore, his speech is worth a gander even if a perfunctory one. Among the questions that Cook answered during his wide-ranging Goldman Sachs interview includs: queries related to his company’s iPhone sales, how the corporation handles legal tender with regard to its investors and the firm’s motto and working philosophy. Tim joined Apple in 1998 and became its official CEO in 2011. 

Tim Cook is indeed a man of his word and though miles apart from the late Steve Jobs, he has his own style which works just as well as that of the mercurial Jobs. 

Since the value of Apple stocks is up by nearly 48% since the previous year, it is quite a hurdle that has been cleared by the high tech company. 

But Tim says that it is not the big figures that he is after. Rather it is the high quality of the products that counts as the main thing in his opinion. 

On the level of people churning out products, his company did indeed accomplish some far out goals. All the way from iOS 8, Yosemite, Touch ID to Mac, Apple had its imprint on so many gadgets of society. 

Apple had also constructed its own artificial language. And with its HealthKit, HomeKit and CarPlay, things were definitely looking up for Apple. 

Furthermore, the move into the Sino-sphere, or China, was a giant leap in the dark. The Apple Watch was another venture that was bound to pay back tenfold times. 

Apple has always been about software although there is a certain image of it as starting out as a hardware company. And with the latest most exciting enterprises such as Apple Pay and an IBM partnership, the corporation is on cloud nine. 


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