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According to a new report, German lawmakers /4/ask Tim Cook and other Silicon Valley CEOs to testify in NSA case.
Apple CEO Tim Cook is on the shortlist of witnesses of German Lawmakers to testify in the NSA case. The Wall Street Journal reports that the investigating panel would like to invite Tim Cook, Mark Zuckerberg and other CEOs as witnesses in the NSA spying scandal.
I do not know what kind of leverage a German panel has over US CEOs. I would not be surprised if Tim Cook and his peers politely decline. the Committee head, Roderich Kiesewetter said: “U.S. citizens summoned by the Committee aren’t obliged to appear if they are outside Germany, “but we hope they will come.”
As Germany was not able to get any commitment from Obama to stop spying on Germans this government investigation is likely not leading to anything. The Obama admistration acknowledged that they used internet companies to spy on their users. We actually still do not know if that really stopped. The Internet CEOs have taken a stance against it, but can they really protect us?
Watch below a report from The Street about this.
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