Top analyst predicting hot iPhone sales

Top analyst predicting hot iPhone sales

Photo Credit: apple

Apple numbers to be released Jan. 27th

This week will see the fourth quarter numbers of 2014 and the first quarter prediction numbers for 2015 by Apple. It has been the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus that has been the biggest catalyst of these expected numbers. KGI Securities Analyst in the infamous Ming Chi Kuo is predicting that consumers will see mind blowing numbers from the company and that the sales and distribution of iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus sales will surpass all expectations. This is certainly good news for Apple heading into the first quarter of 2015 as the company is set to release the Apple Watch and the new 12 inch MacBook Air either in the first quarter or second quarter.

A breakdown of the numbers that Kuo is forecasting is one that is showing that Apple was able to sell 73 million total iPhones during the reporting period. Of that number, Kuo says that Apple was able to sell 42 million iPhone 6 units, 16 million units of the iPhone 6 Plus, and the remainder of the sales being of the previous iPhone releases. Kuo has been noted around the world as one of the most accurate and well respected analysts when it comes to Apple. Most other analysts have been putting the total sales by Apple and their iPhone at about 66 million.

If the numbers that Kuo is predicting come true, then Apple would have increased their sales of iPhones by over 43 percent over the course of a year. If those numbers are correct by Kuo, that would mean that Apple was able to make $44 billion in iPhone sales alone during the quarterly reporting period. These numbers should also bring some consumer confidence heading on in to 2015 as the Apple Watch will have an iPhone companion app thus increasing the chances that the Apple Watch could possibly rival the iPhone when it comes to total sales.

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