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The UK is the first such nation to condone babies with triple genetic parents.
The creation of offspring via the genetic material of three parents is something which for obvious reasons is very controversial. It conjures images of ethical conundrums and a dystopian future. Yet, the United Kingdom is the first country in the world that has allowed exactly such a procedure.
The whole scheme is still in its tentative phases. The vote was cast by the ruling party and the result was that in vitro fertilization through three people’s DNA was approved of. The issue had been under debate and now the final step of making it practicable and feasible had been taken.
It will of course be used on a limited basis since only where necessity is of the ultimate kind will such measurements be taken. The genetic faults and foibles that result in extreme cases can be corrected thanks to this weird technique.
The internal DNA from the egg of the mother is removed and inserted into the egg of another mother. However, this way both mothers have a right to being the maternal parents of the offspring.
According to FinancialTimes, certain limits and conditions have been instituted since the procedure is still in its infancy and it wouldn’t be suitable for mass usage in society. Those women with mitochondrial abnormalities /4/benefit immensely from this technique.
Their children will turn out normal and without any of the degenerative diseases that come in tow with a normal pregnancy in their case. The religious authorities are against this methodology though which they say is like taking over the functions that are best left to Nature and the supernatural.
Their fears /4/not be unfounded. It is yet to be seen how the children of such a procedure end up as adults. First there were designer babies and now with three parent babies things have taken on an even more sinister look.
There was severe criticism from many quarters and some have called it a landmark blunder that will influence future generations in many ways. With the legalization of triple parent babies, a whole new chapter in family complexity has opened up and it is one that will refuse to be closed.
The legislators have done a lot of brainstorming over the issue. And it is after much thought that they have finally relented as far as allowing the controversial procedure is concerned.
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