Vince McMahon: Ten Important Details about the Dude

Vince McMahon: Ten Important Details about the Dude

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Vince McMahon /4/seem a larger-than-life figure to many. Yet here are ten important details about the dude that will make him a more human entity in the eyes of his fans.

Vince McMahon is the giant of a man responsible for bringing WWE to the world. He is used to strutting powerfully on stage. His power walk and power talk have been taken for granted by millions. But did you know that behind all this bullying behavior he is a human-all-too-human figure who has his weaknesses and foibles.  Let us count the ways:

1. Vince McMahon Once Purchased a Hockey Team

He bought the rights to the Buccaneers Hockey Team. And Vince wanted his team to succeed. But in the end their popularity waned and so both team and manager had to pack up and call it a day. 

2. He was a Dyslexic Once

Vince not only fought a losing battle against dyslexia but was also diagnosed as having ADD as a kid. Besides writing “S” facing the other way, he had difficulty focusing and maintaining his attention on any one thing for even the briefest time.  

3. McMahon backed the Ali-Inoki Match

Vince set up the boxer vs. wrestler match of the century. But it turned out to be somewhat of a flop. Inoki was knocked down by Ali and he kicked at Ali’s legs so hard and constantly that Ali suffered permanent damage to his shins. 

4. He has received Two Accolades

McMahon has his name emblazoned on two Walk of Fame pavement stars. He is recognized as a wrestling promoter and entertainment champion par excellence. 

5. He faced an Attack and a Lawsuit

A disgruntled wrestler who thought he was being paid too little tried to strangle Vince. Later on when he was fired the lawsuits that both sides filed against each other ended up being dropped. 

6. He has an Elder Half Brother

Vince has an older half brother named Rod. And he is a successful man. But he is not connected to the world of wrestling in any way. 

7. He wanted to be a Wrestler

Oh yes, Vince pleaded with his dad to allow him to be a professional wrestler but papa had other plans for his kid. Vince later on became an owner of the wrestling business and an announcer. 

8. He bought out the WWE from Other Co-Owners

Vince was not the only owner of the business he inherited from his father. But he offered $100,000 to all three partners who had ownership besides him. And thus he came to own it all. 


9. He had an Abusive Past

His stepfather and mother were both pretty nasty to him and he still remains at loggerheads with his mom. Yet he rose above his environment and became a billionaire. 

10. He improved his Image

There was a time when he was the most loathed man in wrestling. Yet today he has evolved way beyond those dog days. He is a self-made man indeed!   

Source: WhatCulture

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