Who has the upper hand? Apple or Android

Who has the upper hand? Apple or Android

Photo Credit: Getty Images

Both stage battle for market share

When it comes to today’s mobile digital devices there are two companies who dominate the market share of the industry and they are no doubt Apple and Google’s Android platform. At one time it was the Blackberry that was tops in the smartphones realm but without a doubt today it is Apple and Android. It is actually a close race between these two technology giants. In numbers that were obtained during October of 2014, Apple was the biggest smartphone producer and manufacturer with 42 percent of the market while Android was the biggest operating platform at a little over 52 percent. This certainly leads to the question of, ‘Who has the upper hand in the smartphone market? Apple or Android’.

Without a doubt Android is the cheaper of the two. Apple on the other hand is a brand that is known for its sleek and innovative designs and is a big status symbol for consumers. Nelson Freitas of the marketing strategy company Wunderman New York says that Android certainly has a very good operating system but Apple ‘makes people feel like they have superpower. It makes them feel like they are supercool’. Other analysts seem to say that while the Android is known for a quality product at a cheap price, Apple is a strong and well reputed brand and that is what draws so many consumers to their products.

To put the Android vs. Apple market battle into perspective you can look at a recent survey that was conducted by SurveyMonkey. 513 people between the ages of 25 and 60 were polled and 92 percent of those people used either Apple or Samsung products when it came to smartphones. Apple had 58 percent of the people’s preference. Of those 58 percent, 90 percent of them had a strong loyalty to the Apple brand.

Who has the upper hand? It would have to go to Apple for the sheer fact that the brand is a strong and noted one and consumers are always interested in what Apple is getting ready to put on the market next. Android will always be noted for their strong platform but Apple will have the upper hand because consumers are more informed and anxious about Apple. In today’s complex and complicated world consumer’s are all about status and there is no better brand that exudes status than anything that Apple produces.

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