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Young and the Restless soap stars had a tough Thanksgiving break. Corey Sligh is hospitalized due to road rage and assault while Kristoff St. John faces the holiday season after his son’s suicide.
It’s not the week to be a star on Young and the Restless.
Thanksgiving wasn’t exactly pleasant for actor-slash-model Corey Sligh. CBS Los Angeles says the Young and the Restless actor was beaten by an alleged drunk driver on November 27 because he told the motorist to slow down in a Rite Aid parking lot.
According to Sligh’s girlfriend Alisa Berhorst, the actor had planned to deliver a holiday meal to a sick friend, but the motorist had other plans. Speaking to KCAL9’s Laurie Perez on Friday, the actress said the “whole imagery of everything that happened last night is still very fresh and scary.”
The motorist and friend were speeding around the West Hollywood parking lot, doing donuts, and endangering the lives of customers.
Berhorst described the scene to Perez. “They almost hit people in the parking lot. They were hitting curbs, and Corey said, ‘Please slow down or we’re gonna call the cops, just go home.”
Unfortunately, the men didn’t listen. Instead the allegedly drunk driver ran into the actor before exiting the car and beating the man for the exchange.
“The guy walked up on him like ‘I’m in the mood to kill somebody and this is who it’s going to be because he told me to be careful and slow down and go away.”
While they sped away from the scene, Sligh faced multiple injuries, including a broken arm requiring surgery. Berhorst barely slept in the 24 hours after the accident, staying by her boyfriend’s side at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.
Los Angeles police confirms an arrest of the two suspects.
After the confrontation, the men crashed their vehicle and a witness followed them enough to help police locate the suspects. And the arrest makes the actors feel happy.
“I’m thankful he’s okay. I’m thankful that we didn’t get killed.”
However, Sligh’s castmate Kristoff St. John (Neil Winters) has not been so lucky.
News brokeearlier today that his son Julian committed suicide on November 23. Julian’s mother, Mexican-American boxer Mia St. John, reports the 24-year-old struggled with mental illness.
“My fight for mental health will continue. They /4/not find a cure in my lifetime, but we can try and prevent the loss of another beautiful soul.”
And speaking of her son on Sqor.com, Mia refused to condemn his actions.
“Our son was the light of our lives, an artist with a beautiful mind and spirit. He fought long and hard against an illness for which there is no cure. Unfortunately the pain became too great for him and I dare not say he lost the battle — he simply chose to set himself free.”
Kristoff posted on Facebook with a simple “And so the legend continues…once upon a time” and link to his son’s online art gallery.
#ArtOfJulian #Art #StreetArt #urbanart pic.twitter.com/3c1JSgX3Ll— Julian St. John (@TheArtofJulian) November 5, 2014
Kristoff and Mia are receiving a lot of support for their loss with fans telling their own stories of loss and grief. Funeral services will be held on December 5th, what would be his 25th birthday, in Westlake, California. Mia announced that after the services there will be a reception and art exhibition for Julian’s final collection.
For more of Julian’s art, please visit theartofjulian.com.