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- U.S. Pentagon says US Jet Fighter Designs are Secure.
China’s denial for stealing U.S. jet fighter F-35 Stealth designs is also supported by Pentagon’s statement.
Once again NSA whistle blower from 2010, Snowden is in the news, claiming that U.S. jet fighter F-35 Stealth designs were stolen by China.
On Sunday, Der Speigel a German Magazine published documents that Snowden provided claiming that China has stolen large amounts of terabytes of classified information on the F-35 US jet fighter designs. The claim is that the designs that were stolen included engine, radar and stealth schematics.
China has recently launched its own fighter jet and many claim that the jet has a great deal of resemblance to the US jet fighter designs.
China denies any such wrong doing as reports surface with claims that China has used the stolen documents to design its own versions of the U.S. jet fighter. China has stated the claims are baseless and untrue.
When China was questioned over the incident by the press, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei stated the claims are baseless and that China too has been a victim of such cyber-attacks.
The minister went on to say that most attacks related to cyber space are extremely difficult to trace as they are committed across borders and determining the identity of the thieves and the source becomes difficult.
Minister Lei has also asked the accusers to provide evidence to support their claims on the stolen documents and advised that fingers shouldn’t be pointed but rather countries should work together to ensure that such supposed attacks do not occur in the future.
China is willing to work with countries to work out a solution and security measures that will help ensure that everyone can enjoy a cyber space that is devoid of such threats and is secure and peaceful to use.
China’s denial of such an action on Monday that they have stolen the designs was stated as being baseless, is followed by the Pentagon’s statement which was released on Tuesday that the US jet fighter designs remain secure despite the claims by Snowden’s documents.
The Pentagon has stated that they are aware of the potential of cyber-attacks and have implemented measures to ensure there are no breaches in security, ensuring the protection of the US jet fighter designs, including all fielded weapons systems.
Any potential cyber-attack is taken extremely serious said the government and the incident that took place in 2010 was reviewed thoroughly and they believe that there will be no impact on the US jet fighter design program.
The warplane in question has been designed with cyber-attacks in mind. The designs of the plane also include the ability to fight against such warfare, which has become a priority for all departments.
In a world where cyber-attacks are common China and the US have become extremely vigilant and have taken numerous measures to ensure sensitive information is not lost to such attacks and leaked out to the public.
Both the governments of the United States and China have stated that they are taking numerous precautions to ensure cyber-attacks on sensitive information will reduce.
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