Facebook starts Suicide Prevention Service for Vulnerable Members

Facebook starts Suicide Prevention Service for Vulnerable Members


Mark Zuckerberg’s social network, Facebook, has started a suicide prevention service for those members who are vulnerable to self-injury. It is about time such community support got underway for those among us who are having trouble in their personal lives.

Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. That is the great tragedy of the act which has been dubbed a disease of isolation and loneliness. When the fear of life exceeds the fear of death, people are liable to take their own lives.

Facebook has taken various crucial steps to stop this trend towards self-harm and self-killing. A helping hand from various external organizations that act as hotline agencies for potential suicide victims will surely go a long way in preventing the tragic and extreme step of ending one’s own life.

Each year so many people decide to forgo the self-preservation instinct and this is a very sad fact of life. Were such desperate people given an opportunity to talk over their problems and vent their internal frustrations and feelings with someone who is a good listener, maybe they wouldn’t choose to quit the beautiful and infinitely precious experience called life. 

Facebook has over a billion members who frequent its social pages. It offers a rich and variegated online experience of connection with many other like-minded people of the world. And many of its members have issues in their lives which /4/be reaching the tipping point so they need all the help they can get.

Via peer support and emergency centers that are open 24 hours a day, those who are liable to commit suicide within the near future could get someone to talk with them and solve their psychological issues for them. It takes warmth, understanding and good listening skills to engage a person on the verge of extinction and bring him or her back to life.

All posts on Facebook exhibiting suicidal idealization and thinking will be picked up via this new tool and the issue will be immediately reported to the concerned authorities so as to prevent such an extreme act of injury to the self from occurring in the first place.

The social network serves a serious purpose too besides its fun function by facilitating any individuals in their self growth towards fulfillment and wholeness. Any healing that is required for hurts that fester in the human soul will be a standard standby solution from now onwards thanks to Mark Zuckerberg’s initiative. Here’s to hoping that when the world is too much with us, there will always be a Facebook support network that will catch us before we fall into the abyss.

Source: Facebook 


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