The United States has its first Ebola patient. The patient is in a hospital in Texas. The White House issues “Don’t Panic” Tweet.

First Ebola Case in United States


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First Ebola Case in United States

The Ebola virus is causing havoc in Africa and the world is concerned that it will spread world-wide. Now the first case of Ebola has hit the United States. The unidentified man was coming back from Liberia on September 20. He did not have symptoms on arrival. They showed four or five days later. The patient is isolated on Sunday at the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital.

A CDC team ins now investigating his contacts since his arrival from Liberia where he was visiting family. The White House posted a Tweet a couple hours ago with facts about Ebola. You only can get infected with Ebola if you get in contact with blood or body fluids of a person or animal that has Ebola. 

According to a recent WHO report, over 3,000 people have already died in this Ebola outbreak. Over 6,500 poeple are infected. These numbers are for the African countries Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Loene.

Via CNN.



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<a href="/latest_stories/all/all/2" rel="author">Luigi Lugmayr</a>
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