Kim Kardashian reveals a Few Factoids from her Life

The gorgeous chunk of feminine beauty, Kim Kardashian has revealed a few factoids from her semi-charmed life.

Kim Kardashian reveals a Few Factoids from her Life

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Kim Kardashian reveals a Few Factoids from her Life

Kim Kardashian has been opening up about her little daughter North West. She spoke of how her baby girl sets her hairstyle in a similar manner to her mommy dearest. 

You just have to hand her a brush and she begins passing its bristles through her tangled hair. It is an unbelievably precocious act for a 14 month old girl, but there you have it! 

“North likes to brush her own hair,” Kardashian told Women’s Wear Daily in an interview on August 29. “You start with a brush and then you have to get a second brush [for her]. Right when you get it all perfect, she takes the brush and starts doing it herself.”

North West shines at hair care like her illustrious sex symbol mom. 33-year-old Kim begins by applying a little oil to Nori’s hair. And then she takes over with the brushing from there onwards. 

“I just started using our oil because I needed to slick it [her hair] back and make it stay,” she said of her new hair product line. “I just use a drop of it, but then she brushes it and likes to mess it all up.”

As for Kim herself, she has a much more complex routine which she follows to the letter everyday. She blow dries it on the first day and carries out other actions such as shampooing and oil application on the rest of the days. 

“I start out the first day with a clean blowout,” Kardashian said. “The second day, I put in dry shampoo, which adds texture. Then, the third day, I sleek it and I straighten it, and then, the fourth day, I put our oil in it, and I make it a really sleek look. I might do a ponytail or a sleek bun. That’s my hair plan, and then I start over.”

Kim has furthermore said that she hasn’t taken extra special care of herself after her daughter was born since motherhood is a fulltime job.  

“I start out the first day with a clean blowout,” Kardashian said. “The second day, I put in dry shampoo, which adds texture. Then, the third day, I sleek it and I straighten it, and then, the fourth day, I put our oil in it, and I make it a really sleek look. I might do a ponytail or a sleek bun. That’s my hair plan, and then I start over.”

Meanwhile, Demi Lovato has lauded Kim Kardashian for transforming the standards of beauty and body image by making curves and extra padding an acceptable thing. 

The Marilyn Monroe look is back and the days of the reign of models like the rail-thin Twiggy or the waif-like Kate Moss are long gone. Demi appeared recently in a red dress and she looked positively voluptuous. 

She shared the fact that there was a time when she was bonier and more angular but she felt irritable and sad most of the time due to her restrictive diet. 

“I look back at that and I think, ‘You know what? I /4/have been thinner, but I am so happy that I am healthy today and I have curves, which are a lot sexier than what I was aiming for,'” she added. “I think curves are beautiful and I feel great,” Demi Lovato told Access Hollywood.

However, when she learned to love her body and embraced her curvy figure, things fell into place for her psychologically. She was a happier person and much more satisfied deep down inside now. 

And she thanks female role models such as Beyonce and Kim Kardashian who have influenced the present generation to have a comfortable relation with food and not be obsessed about their physiques. 

“I really credit women like Beyonce and Kim Kardashian. [They] completely revolutionized our generation’s view…of what beautiful is,” Demi said. “You can think whatever you want about the Kardashians, but they really did help tons of women feel comfortable in their own skin, and I like to carry that message on.”

This is a very healthy sign of being human and down to earth rather than trying to be a superwoman and supermodel.  



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