Marvel’s Daredevil goes Dark for Netflix

Marvel's Daredevil goes Dark for Netflix

Credit: YouTube Video
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Daredevil 13 episode series to hit Netflix as a part of the campaign to introduce Avengers heroes.

He /4/not be living in a technology based apartment at the Stark Tower, he /4/not have a flashy iron suit or star spangled uniform or a great thunder bolting hammer, he doesn’t even have all of his senses but that won’t stop him from fighting crime. 

Marvel’s Universe takes the next step in introducing the next vigilante who is far from being anything super but that isn’t enough to keep him off the streets to fulfill his father’s ambitions for him and his hunger for justice.

Charlie Cox features as Matt Murdock aka Daredevil in the Marvel’s Daredevil soon to hit Netflix in a 13 episode-series on Friday. The teaser for the series has given speculation to a lot of questions for the series, its thematic and conceptual framework and its elicitation in the bigger picture of being in the Marvel’s Avengers.

Matt Murdock lives in the old art gallery-turned-production studio in Greenpoint section of Brooklyn. His office and his house are both bought cheap credit to the alien invasion. The décor of the house and office aren’t much to look at but that’s not where the real action will be taking place.

Matt takes on fighting justice in the courtroom in the day and lurks in the street fighting criminals at night. While the Avengers fight big universal level wars, Daredevil takes it down to simpler level of street fights.

Steven DeKnight said that while shooting this off spin of the Marvel’s Daredevil, they had to keep true to its procedural nature and get down to the nitty gritty fighting style that has been avoided mostly in the Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.; the show has ‘icers’ for Pete’s sake.

So it is interesting for the fans to see a hero who is not a superhero and has a split identity that is unique in his case by the lack of sight which adds intrigue to both his personalities. A blind lawyer who functions in a functionally normal way and a much daring vigilante who doesn’t need eye holes in his mask much to the surprise of the villains he’s fighting. 

According to Cox, it is definitely different, thrilling and darker than his role in Empire. He had great time preparing for the role, playing a blind person and giving people a peek into the development of the character that people actually are going to fall in love with.


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