Ricky Gervais slams Woman for posing with Dead Giraffe

Ricky Gervais slams Woman for posing with Dead Giraffe

Credit: Getty Images
  • Ricky Gervais Has Been An Internet Sensation After Posts That Went Viral

Ricky Gervais has also been known because of his twitter posts for animals. He posts pictures of people posing with animals that they have hunted.

Ricky slams hunters because they pose next to dead animals. Some of his viral posts include pics of people posing with dead giraffes. Ricky is an animal rights activist and he slammed Rebecca Francis after she posted a photo of herself lying next to a dead giraffe.

She was smiling while lying next to the dead animal. Ricky posted the pic on his twitter account and said what must’ve happened to you in your life to make you want to kill a beautiful animal and then lie next to it smiling.

Ricky Gervais posted the same photo on his Facebook and Twitter account with the same caption. We can see several top comments on Facebook that say harsh things about Rebecca Francis.

One of the commenters on the photo said that he couldn’t believe how she could lie next to a dead animal and think that the animal is her trophy.

What must’ve happened to you in your life to make you want to kill a beautiful animal and then lie next to it smiling?Posted by Ricky Gervais on Monday, April 13, 2015

Rebecca Francis responded to these allegations and she said that she did it for the sake of the animal and because it did benefit the local citizens. She said that five years ago she promised herself that she wouldn’t shoot a giraffe.

She said that at the end of her hunt she was approached with a unique circumstance. She said that the people showed her this beautiful old bull giraffe and it was wandering all alone.

She said that this giraffe was kicked out of the heard by a younger and a stronger bull giraffe. Rebecca also said that the bull giraffe was past his breading years and he was also close to death.

So this is why the locals asked her if she could preserve the giraffe by providing them with food and other means of survival. She said once she killed the giraffe, people waited to take his meat and the animal served the locals and this is why she doesn’t regret it for a second.


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