Charlo Greene was a reporter who cursed on live TV and then left her job on air. The issue was marijuana legalization.
Charlo Greene curses and then leaves her Job on Live TV
A reporter named Charlo Greene presented news regarding the movement for marijuana legalization on the news. And then she swore before telling everybody about the fact that she owned a medical marijuana business.
Within seconds she had walked off set and quit her job. The actions of this lady got viewed on YouTube. Twitter is aflutter with the news of her profanity which she uttered so blatantly.
Watch below the video clip of Charlo Greene’s on-air comment and departure.
Charlo was basically damn angry that Alaska was not going to legalize marijuana. But the issue of the legalization of marijuana is a fairly complex one.
The drug could counter chronic pain but at the same time, it is habit-forming and likely to lead to dependency. The very fumes of marijuana can cause brain damage.
Charlo /4/have gained a lot of publicity for her cause by her dramatic behavior, but the fact of the matter is that she won’t be successful in legalizing marijuana in Alaska.
Her Indiegogo fund to raise a certain amount of money for legalizing marijuana in Alaska is a pathetic example of lukewarm response for the drive. As somebody said just because something goes viral on the Internet, nobody will be paying your residential bills.
And similarly Charlo will not be getting any tokes of marijuana from any agency since marijuana is banned in Alaska. Everything works through a proper channel and if you decide to trip or hoodwink the system by emotional or expletive appeal then it can only go so far.
Marijuana /4/be a soft core drug but this is the very method by which so many people and institutions fall into evil practices. By sliding slowly down the scale of values in the world many a drunkard and derelict has reached the depths of the gutter.
It would be better to not allow the first hole to occur in the structure of the boat. Because before long society and its decent law-abiding citizens will drown due to that small leniency that got overlooked on their part.
Viewers, we sincerely apologize for the inappropriate language used by a KTVA reporter on the air tonight. The employee has been terminated.
— KTVA 11 News (@ktva) September 22, 2014
KTVA issued an official statement regarding Charlo Greene’s on-air comment and departure. Complete statement of Bert Rudman, News Director of KTVA 11 News, is given below.
“By now many of you have seen one of our reporters use inappropriate language and quit her job during Sunday night’s newscast. We apologize.
“In addition, she had a personal and business stake in the issue she was reporting, but did not disclose that interest to us. This betrayed the basic bedrock of responsible journalism.
“At KTVA we strive to live up to the highest journalistic standards of fairness and transparency. Sunday’s breach of those standards is unacceptable and cannot be tolerated.
“Thank you for watching our news broadcasts and be reassured our mission is to present the kind of journalism that lets you make informed decisions about the community in which we all live.”
Sumayah Aamir
Sumayah Aamir (Google+) has deep experience in analyzing the latest trends.
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