iPhone 6 Now On Sale In 20 More Countries

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iPhone 6 Now On Sale In 20 More Countries


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iPhone 6 Now On Sale In 20 More Countries

Apple’s 6 certainly took off with the right start and the sales in excess of 10 million in the opening weekend broke a record for a new smartphone. The device however initially took off in only a few markets and there are still a lot of parts in the world where the phone is yet to reach. The list of key countries where the latest iPhone became available is going to be joined by 20 other lucky nations today.

The sale of the iPhone 6 kicked off with a bang and though the recent Bendgate tragedy has hit the popular phone, it is very unlikely that those waiting anxiously to get their hands on the iPhone 6 will be highly affected by this. We are quite sure that Apple is going to win their hearts with plenty of positive reviews praising the display and camera technology.

Among these we find New Zealand to be quite the popular spot and because of the time zone, the country is going to be the first to see the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus not just online but in Apple retails stores too. Others among New Zealand to be blessed with the iPhone 6 have been mentioned below in this list;

• Austria

• Belgium

• Denmark

• Finland

• Ireland

• Isle of Man

• Italy

• Liechtenstein

• Luxembourg

• Netherlands

• New Zealand

• Norway

• Portugal

• Qatar

• Russia

• Saudi Arabia

• Spain

• Sweden

• Switzerland

• Taiwan

• Turkey




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<a href="/latest_stories/all/all/32" rel="author">Ahmed Humayun</a>
Ahmed Humayun is a technology journalist bringing you the hottest tech stories of the day.




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